Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Dhamma Talk @ IMU for sem 2 2009

This will be the first Dhamma talk organized for the second half of 2009 and also the first for the current term committee members. Thanks to Jaa Ming, our DSG manger, we will be having a range of four talks for the month of August and September. For the first Dhamma Talk entitled "Why Give It For Free, While Others Take It For Granted?", the topic aims to target the integrity of the 4th enobler - Be generous.

Its a fairly simple value, but why are certain person still being treated so unfairly when he/she has done so much good in life? One will also ponder on how deep our goodwill and charity should go, if others do not appreciate it, or even, take it all for granted. We will also question the true integrity and practicality of being generous to the people around us. Besides the obvious, we also include a hidden side of the topic: Are we taking things for granted?

As IMU students, it deserves our contemplation as we have to learn to be grateful of all we have now. The main value for the day is to realise that practicing dana to others and giving out the occasional selfless helping hand, would be the wisest thing to do to express our gratitude in life. We also aim to send a take home-message of "giving is receiving" and "giving is an unimaginable joy" to our audience.

We have specially invited Dr. Chan Kah Yein as our Dhamma speaker to address this title.

Dr Chan Kah Yein
Dr. Chan teaches mathematics in a private college in Subang Jaya, and holds a first class honours degree, a Masters and a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education.

Having been a practicing Buddhist since the age of twelve, she is now a regular Dhamma speaker in the Klang Valley. She has also served as moderator for several Buddhist conferences, including the 5th Global Conference on Buddhism in 2007.

Kah Yein is passionate about promoting kindness to animals. She is the founder-coordinator of AnimalCare, a group dedicated to caring for the well being of animals, particularly, in the spaying and neutering of stray animals.

To date, she has written four Dhamma books, entitled Pawprints on My Heart, Little Steps, Joyful Steps, A Kite in the Wind and Indy Jones & the Four Pillars of Kindness. Her Dhamma talks have also been produced on CDs for free distribution, notably the collection entitled Dewdrops from my heart.

With a love for all things small and simple, her lifelong motto is to embrace simplicity and travel light in life.

As said in the poster above, this talk will be held from 7.15pm to 10.00pm on 26 August 2009 (Wednesday) at SR6 1.03A (the room beside first floor escalator). So if you are interested in a talk regarding welfare, Dana (offering or giving) and Metta (loving kindness), this talk will be the one you would like to listen to.

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